Toddler 3-4 years old

The first friendships are born...

Toddler 3-4 years old
Children play, communicate and collaborate.

Children play, communicate and collaborate.

The symbolic game plays the most important role for the socio-emotional development of children of this age.

In Rodokipos, we have designed a specially designed program with symbolic games and group activities. Your angel will learn to communicate, to work harmoniously, to cultivate interpersonal relationships and to make his first friends...

Their development begins in all directions.

There are so many things they start learning at this age... They learn riddles, proverbs, poems... their first spatio-temporal concepts... their first numbers and first shapes. They learn to group, to arrange, to classify, correspond... Develop their language skills and oral speech... Develop imagination, creativity and free expression...

Through games and group activities, we keep the children's interest alive, their joy undiminished... while at the same time, the children develop in all aspects and cultivate those skills that will help them in their later school career.

Their development begins in all directions.
  • Symbolic games
  • Theater
  • Music
  • Puppet theater
  • Dance
  • Painting
  • Crafts
Group. Cooperation. Friendships. And many toys in a beautiful place full of happy children.

Rodoulis makes his first friends.

Won't you meet him?


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